Sadim Lizai, often referred to as Sadim Pukhri, is a historical lake situated at the summit of Sadim Pukhri Village. It encompasses approximately 600 square meters. According to legend, Apou Pungtingpii, a close associate of Apou Rangtaipii (Maram Legends), was apprehended by the Meitei King and held in prison. Apou Rangtaipii proceeded to his rescue. Upon arriving at the location where ge was held captive, Apou Rangtaipii instructed Apou Pungtingpii to employ his abilities to divert the adversaries. Apou Pungtingpii commenced expectorating on the prison cell wall. The spit ignited, resulting in the home ablaze. At that time, Apou Rangtaipii fled from the adversary with his companion Apou Pungtingpii. During their flight, Apou Pungtingpii experienced intense thirst and was unable to proceed. Concerned about his friend's potential recapture by the pursuing enemy, Apou Rangtaipii spat on the ground and forcefully struck it with his heel. A spring of water emerged from the exact location, and Apou Pungtingpii satisfied his thirst; the two subsequently fled to safety. The water expanded into a tiny lake. The adversary, finding it unfeasible to traverse, ceased pursuit.
After the conflict concluded and peace was established between the Marams and the Meiteis, the Meitei Prince visited the lake. While fetching water from the lake, his golden pot (Sanabol/ Sana Pun) fell into the water. The occurrence led to the lake being named "Lizai," derived from the Maram language where "Li" signifies pot and "Zai" denotes water.
Currently, the location is recognized for its abundant natural resources of snails and fish. Individuals from many locations visit the site for picnicking and sightseeing. Summer is the optimal season for sightseeing in the area.
(NB: Pukhri - Ekon, Apou- Grandfather - here the use of Apou implies as Honourable Grandfather- Epa Epu)