Thursday, July 27, 2023

Sanjenthong Treaty

Sanjenthong Treaty : 

There is no text of any agreement of Moirang in 1859 though mentioned was made in the Cheitharol Kumbaba referring to oath taking for making friendship with the Khongjai before the King . The Khongjai swore that they are servants of the King and requested to provide 200 muskets to the countrymen against the chin. After making them drink holy water from  9 Sylvian deities, the musket and the other items were given.  In the Sanjenthong treaty, representative of Paiboi, Lenkoom, Laireek, Puchoobi and Dalkoom villages swore to never be again guilty of acts of aggression towards the British and the Manipuri ( two power) subjects and to renounce human sacrifices , swore to have no relation with any tribe hostile to the two power , allow free access to the powers as may be neccesary to reached any tribe and encourage traders from the two powers while on the other hand the maharaja forgave for all acts of aggression against his subject conditionally , to provide support in event of attack by neighbouring villages and Assist in recovering any person carried in captivity and in the event of drought or famine to assist with food and not to exact any tax from the traders among them for five years.

RK Nimai on the People’s Chronicle 16th July 2023 - One is not clear as to what provision of this agreement and the earlier understanding was violated by the Meeteis and there is a doubt whtyer the spokesperson of KIM is at all aware of the provision of the Sanjenthong treaty.