Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hanuba hanubi fou suba : case study


মীতৈ ঐখোইগী ৱারিদা হাইনাবা লৈ থাইনা সোরারেন্ আতিয়াসি য়ামনা নেমলম্মি, খূৎনা লাম্বা ফংলম্মি, হানুবি হানুবানা ফৌ শুবাদা শূকনা থেংলম্মি, ফৌ শুবা নুংঙাইতে হাইদুনা, আতিয়াসি শূকনা শুগৎখি।।।
                                                                                                                     The above Meetei mythological tale goes like this “Once upon a time, the sky was very very low in such a way that even our hands can touch it! Because of the low height of the sky, the pestle which was used by our grandparents in pounding the paddy was also touching the sky and had a lot of inconvenience! Thus, their pestle pushed the sky up so as to avoid their troubles in pounding the paddy. Then, the sky went up far since then!!!”


Since 1687 to early 20th century, the most popular and accepted model of the universe is “#the_Static_Universe” as proposed by Sir Issac Newton in his “Principia”, wherein the universe is static, neither expanding nor contracting. However, in 1917 Albert Einstein while solving the equations of his revolutionary General Theory of Relativity found that universe is expanding which is contrary to the most popular Static Model at that time ! Thus, he had a doubt on his results and did not believe results of his own equations because of the fear of then scientific community who all were in favour of static universe model. Thus, he introduced a fudge factor called #Cosmological_Constant to counteract the expansion and concluded that Universe is Static and declared that his theory is in consistent with the Static Universe model.

12 years later, in 1929, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble stunned the scientific community by announcing a dramatic discovery that #Universe_is_Expanding, but not Static. Hubble found that the light coming from the galaxies was shifted a little towards the red end of the spectrum due to the Doppler effect (known as “redshift”), which indicated that the galaxies were moving away from us. Hubble showed that, in our expanding universe, every galaxy is rushing away from us with a speed which is in direct proportion to its distance, known as Hubble’s Law (V=HD).

Thus, Hubble’s discovery led to abandon the Static Universe model, gave birth of Expanding Universe Model in 1929, and Einstein was also forced to remove his cosmological constant and to announce that introduction of Cosmological Constant as his “#Biggest_Blunder” he had ever made in his life. Thus, Einstein missed his second #Nobel_Prize in General Theory of Relativity in his life otherwise he could have predicted expanding universe 12 years before Hubble and grabbed Nobel Prize. He landed up his Nobel Prize in Photoelectric Effect in 1921.

If we look backwards, as the universe expands, if the galaxies were flying apart, then clearly, at some earlier time, the universe was smaller than at present. In other words, it is as equivalent as saying that the: #Sky_was_very_low_as_if_the_Pestle_was_touching_it_as_viewed_from_Earth. #The_Pestle_of_the_grandparents_pushed_the_sky_up_and_the_sky_went_up_far_since_then_means_that

Also, following back logically, like a movie played in reverse, it must ultimately have had some beginning when it was very tiny indeed, an idea which gave rise to the theory of the Big Bang.

Such #Paradigm_shift discoveries in cosmology were subtly narrated in these thousands of years old Meetei mythogolical tale, which modern science came to know only in 1929.

By : Ninhthoujam Raghu
  Scientists ISRO

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